Airport New York 9:30 am Ignoring the ebb and flow of the airport pedestrian traffic , McDougal finished the last dregs of his vending machine coffee and continued to watch the empty baggage carousel. He wasn’t sure whether he felt like a stalker or just plain ridiculous. He should have let the two agents rent a car and drive out to Somerville. The logistics of tracking down two federal employees in a crowded NY airport were...well, nuts. But he wanted...McDougal paused , then grimaced to himself. Be honest Casey. He needed to see the two away from the playing field. Sheriff Casey McDougal did not like FBI agents. He was willing to admit that they had their uses. Unfortunately, seeing one usually meant that he was about to lose control of his case. Not even the fact that some of them had seen more action than he had made that go down easy. It was even worse when they saddled him with the pencil pushers. He knew they were smart. Hell, they knew they were smart. And it wasn’t like they tried to rub his face in it. But every single damn one of them had more education than he had shotgun shells and he hated it. Maybe it would have been different if he had come into the force with a degree of his own. None of the new breed of college educated recruits seemed to resent the fibbies the way he did. They didn’t like it when they got pissed on-hey, who did? But they seemed able to work with them. McDougal grunted. Probably because they understood them. And there it was in a nutshell. He did not understand half of what they were talking about. If he didn’t understand it, how was he supposed to trust it? And if he didn’t understand them-why should he think that they had two clues and a cup of coffee about what made him tick? And he was supposed to give them his case. Just trust that they knew enough to know what was important and what were the right questions to ask? Not bloody likely. Every agent he had ever met had wrapped that politely, non-confrontational professionalism around him until he choked. Like battery operated actors, they flipped a switch the moment they walked on stage. He needed to see who they were before the curtain went up. Before they were aware that he was watching. And by driving them out himself, he forced them to make use of the car and deputy he planned to assign them. The chances of them finding a rental car anywhere within the three ring circus his town was turning into meant that they weren’t likely to be slipping the leash anytime soon. The light went on above the baggage carousel as people started trickling through the far doors. McDougal glanced again at the descriptions his deputy had gotten from the FBI. A tall brown haired man and a short redheaded woman. This from federally funded law enforcement personnel? What sort of yokels did they take them for anyway? Hell, Tarrytown was close enough to NY that it had a decent crime rate. What the hell were their names? And what did this last sentence mean ? His deputy had shrugged and said he hadn’t understood it either. Look out for little green men? Apparently the FBI had thought something was funny. A flash of red caught his attention. Then another. McDougal scowled. Who the hell knew there were so many red-headed women in NYC? Maybe he should invest in stocks of Clairol and Nice and Easy he thought sourly as yet another woman with red highlights joined the crowd. He wasn’t sure exactly what it was that drew his eye to the tiny woman in black. Hell, they were all wearing some form of dark cloth. Business women’s special. He wondered if they got a discount if they bought their suits and shoes in bulk. Maybe it was the fact that most of these women were obviously travelling with friends or associates while he had been told that she was meeting her partner. Or was he meeting her? He had thought they were both based out of DC, but his deputy had said that he got the impression that she was being pulled from an assignment at Quantico. That might explain the aura of anger that quietly seethed around the woman. Or not so quietly. He noticed more than one or two passengers ease their way away from her. Couldn’t be too careful he supposed. Too many people walking too close to the wire in this town. He tried to recall how long it had been since he had walked into a McDonalds instead of using the drive through. He couldn’t remember. She stalked her way over to a brown-haired man quietly sitting by the windows. Oblivious to the danger, the man just lowered the bag of sunflower seeds he was demolishing and gave her a boyish grin. The woman crossed her arms over her breasts and raked her gaze over his body contemptuously. The man’s grin vanished. The woman’s eyebrow arched as he hesitated, then climbed slowly to his feet. McDougal wasn’t surprised when he didn’t reach to help her with her bag. Probably wasn’t sure he’d get all his fingers back attached. The man watched as his partner - these had to be the feds - walk away . She paused halfway to the escalator and turned back to watch him. The man’s face was expressionless as he stared back, then dropped his eyes consideringly to the space between them. McDougal wondered if he was contemplating increasing the distance. He realized with a start that neither agent had yet said a word. As the male agent made his way towards his female partner, McDougal wondered if he was moving so slowly just to piss her off or if he was reluctant to get closer. These were the agents the FBI were sending him? These were the two professionals he was supposed to trust the lives of his people too? They didn’t even want to be in the same airport together. How were they going to handle the long hours cooped up in the tiny office that was all he had to offer them? Ah...shit. McDougal closed his eyes briefly as he contemplated the fact that he was stuck in a squad car with them for the next few hours. He saw the man give the woman a weak grin as he came abreast of her. She didn’t smile back. Shit. And he had no way of giving them back. They hadn’t done anything. Yet. Tempting though it was to just leave them to find their own way out of town, he decided he couldn’t afford to give them the means to lose his deputy watchdog. Angrily he crushed the empty coffee cup and tossed it into a nearby garbage can and strode toward the pair. He had made it halfway to the agents when the woman glanced his way and met his eyes. It happened so fast. Smooth as silk the woman handed the bag in her right hand to her partner and took a step toward McDougal. The man twisted around less smoothly, clearing the woman’s line of fire. McDougal stuttered to a halt, foot frozen in midstep. For the split second before his brain caught up with his reflexes he was sure…absolutely positive- that the woman was going for her gun. He had the eerie feeling that time had frozen, all of them poised on the edge of the moment…and then it was over. The bustle and energy of the crowded airport crashed over him and he blinked as his eyes relayed the harmless image of a small woman in black watching him politely. Her partner wasn’t even paying attention-his back was turned to McDougal as he casually lifted the strap of the woman’s laptop case to his shoulder and idly watched the passing traffic. McDougal felt the thud of his racing pulse and cursed his own jumpiness. What a damn stupid rookie mistake…seeing combat reflexes in a couple of paper pushers. Christ, he was going to shoot someone if he wasn’t careful. His wife was right. This case was getting to him. But it was still his damn case. Embarrassment carried him the rest of the way to the two agents. He shoved his hand out toward the woman. Her partner still had his back turned. Irritation roughened his voice as he offered his name, half in challenge, half as introduction. “Sheriff McDougal.” He kept his handshake firm, but didn’t try any pissing games with the grip. She had already picked up on his hostility. So had the man. That damn switch again. It was like watching wax melt as both faces smoothed into bland attentiveness. No vibes from either of them. Nothing more than polite interest. The hostility he had observed earlier was gone, vanished as if it had never existed. For a moment he felt a grudging second of respect. Damn good actors, the pair of them. He wondered if the Academy made them take lessons. He met their polite gazes with cop’s eyes. Smart people. Very very smart. Paper pushers or not, he would be wise to remember that. Both agents introduced themselves. Then they stood there and waited, giving him time to take the lead. Both were so damn non-confrontational he wanted to spit. They obviously knew that he had been sent to get them. Had anyone told them about the case? Considering the fact that they weren’t laughing themselves sick, they obviously hadn’t heard who the suspect was. Or maybe they had. Polite eyes in blank faces. Media friendly law enforcement. Show nothing, give nothing away. Damn switches. The walk to the car took forever. Agent Scully seemed in no special hurry and Agent Mulder closed ranks and kept pace beside her. Neither said a word to the other and McDougal couldn’t seem to break the silence. It wasn’t angry. It wasn’t even uncomfortable. But the single time he spoke his voice sounded overloud and shockingly intrusive. Considering the noise around them that didn’t make any sense at all. But he kept silent after that. Agent Mulder fell asleep as soon as he settled himself into the front passenger seat of the car. Abandoning any thought of discussing the case before they reached Somerville, McDougal concentrated on the traffic and just drove. A few minutes out of town, his radio started picking up his dispatcher. Fights, trespassers…lord, had Fred really gone after that group with a shotgun? The tap tap tap on the laptop keyboard in the backseat died away as Agent Scully listened incredulously. Martha Watkins claimed two men were taking pictures of her pet cemetery. Apparently they didn’t believe her that the inhabitants were not human. Agent Mulder had also awakened and was listening in fascination. “What’s going on, Sheriff?” “Ghost-hunters.” He told her grimly. “Ghost...” her voice checked suddenly. “Mulder?” Her voice held only polite inquiry. So why was he seeing visions of volcanoes and icebergs? “I was under the impression we were here about a body. A corporeal one” Well that answered that question. They hadn’t told her everything. Agent Mulder grinned,” Who ya gonna call, Scully?” Her voice shot up the scale,” You think a ghost did it?” Mulder’s grin widened.” Not exactly.” If she hadn’t been wearing a gun, McDougal might have thought Agent Mulder timed it deliberately. Just as the squad car came to a final stop outside the station, the agent turned to face his partner. “Welcome to Sleep Hollow, Scully.” The man’s face was agleam with anticipation, even as McDougal winced. ” Home of the Headless Horseman.” Motel 6 Somerville 2:00 PM “Sleepy Hollow, Mulder?” Mulder was easing himself down on the bed and stretching out with a pained grimace. Once down, he looked over at her and grinned. He quoted from memory, “ In the bosom of one of those spacious coves which indent the eastern shore of the Hudson, at that broad expansion of the river denominated by the ancient Dutch navigators the Tappan Zee, and where they always prudently shortened sail, and implored the protection of St. Nicholas when they crossed, there lies a small market-town or rural port, which by some is called Greensburgh, but which is more generally and properly known by the name of Tarry Town” “I’m familiar with the story, Mulder.” Mulder gestured expansively,” This is Tarry Town, Scully. Otherwise known as Sleepy Hollow.” Scully cocked a familiar eyebrow,” And we are here because…?” “Somebody pulled some strings.” Forcing himself to move slowly he pointed toward his briefcase. Scully scowled at him as she opened it and extracted the files. “When did the painkillers wear off, Mulder.” He grimaced again. “Yesterday.” Scully’s lips tightened, but she said nothing. Instead she yanked open the cover of the first file. Mulder amused himself by watching the play of emotions across her face. He could practically see the wheels turning. The obvious solution jumping out at her…and the wariness as she wondered just what crazy alternative was being suggested. She looked up at him, blue eyes suspicious. “These kids were admitted for drug-induced hysteria, Mulder” “Yep” “And I see no evidence that the death of Harry Wilkes was anything other than a suicide.” “Nope.” Her eyes widened and her exasperation pushed her voice a notch or two higher,” Then why are we here? Where’s the X-file?” He grinned at her.” Third page, halfway down. Check out the second boy’s last name.” Scully reread the file and frowned, “Senator Chapin’s son?” “Got it in one Scully. The mystery of your tax dollars at work. The kids claim they saw the Ghost of the Headless Horseman. Now one of them is dead, another is missing and the senator wants to make sure his firstborn doesn’t join them. The senator asked a few questions in DC and apparently our names came up. He called in a few favors and voila…we’re asked to volunteer.” “And Skinner agreed to this?” “I don’t think he had a choice.” Mulder almost grinned again as he saw Scully’s eyes narrow. His partner was not a happy camper when she thought she was being manipulated. She shot him a suspicious glance. “You believe that the Headless Horseman did it?” Mulder phrased his next words carefully. “ Actually, no. There’s no evidence that Irving based his story on any sort of legend, European or Native American. But I think a lot of people think it’s the Headless Horseman.” For a split second she almost asked him what he thought it was instead. Then his tone of voice struck her. Blue eyes turned thoughtful as his partner stepped up to the bed and stared down at him.” Were you supposed to think it was the Headless Horseman?” Mulder started to clasp his hands behind his head, then changed his mind rapidly when his shoulders shrieked and froze in protest. Nevertheless, his grin nearly split his face,” Why Mrs. Spooky. You’re getting almost as paranoid as I am.” His grin faded slightly,” Is that being too egocentric of me?” It was Scully now, who chose her words carefully. Almost, he regretted the fact she could say the words. Years ago, she wouldn’t have. He wasn’t sure that she could have. “If this wasn’t a suicide -- this has the potential to become a high profile case. What ever we could come to the attention of a lot of people. ” She left the next sentence unspoken…but both agents heard it loud and clear. *Especially if Spooky Mulder jumps on the ghost- hunting bandwagon...and publicly falls on his ass.* Mulder contemplated the ceiling while Scully stared at the files in her hands. He had pissed off a lot of people with that Cops episode. People who had never heard of him before. People who could conceivably undermine any support from his shadowy allies if given the proper nudge. Scully’s voice was soft,” Watch your six, Mulder.” Mulder sighed,” Yeah, I know. But Scully?” “What?” He gave her a tired leer,” I’d rather watch yours.” *******************************************